Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Total Recall - Day 18

We continue to struggle with the design of the entire robot.  We understand the major strategy of our robot but have not fleshed out the fine details of the designs.  David M and I visited at length with Scott over lack of communications within the team.   The build team is working but not always in the same direction and often not on the same page.  For example, today some students sought out the dimensions of the chassis for the robot.  They communicated with some of the CAD team and got dimensions for the deck. They cut the deck to 18" x 20" and then routered the edge of the board.  This process took most of 6th and 7th period with the learning process of using the circular saw and the router.  After school, it was communicated that it was the wrong size. It should have been 16" x 18" instead.  This brought up a discussion of what and where are the dimensions of the robot and all assemblies.  On top of this, team members continue to ask me each day "What do I need to work on?".  We need the student leaders to step up, communicate and assign the assemblies of the robot.  

Kendall and Aaron finished the golf ball-lazy susan caster.  It is still in prototype mode but will prove beneficial for testing and evaluation.  The caster will be mounted on the back of the robot chassis.  The omni wheels designs continue to be worked in SolidWorks. Grey and David are very close in finalizing the design.  Tim Ousley continues to do some testing on the CNC mill.  

David W. finished drilling, bending and filing the motor mounts for the large wheels.  The hubs are so much better than we have made in the past.  The vertical mill has proven to be very beneficial in the manufacturing of the hubs.  David got the large wheels and front caster mounted on the deck.  He will work to get it all wired up on Wednesday in the class period.  Hopefully we will have a driving chassis on Wednesday.  

Non engineering teams continue to work in small groups on their individual projects. Michael Watson came in tonight to work with the Website team.  He says that all of the students are all experienced in HTML.  They are making progress in content creation at this time. 

The BEST Award team has continued to work on the notebook, display and documentation.  

Basecamp is beginning to be used more and more by the team.  We will see if it the use continues over the course of the season.  It provides a nucleus for all of our documentation and communications to reside, be shared and begin from. 

Posted via email from Reflexions

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Artistic Representation of my life.

Artistic Representation of my life.
From: coachnorm, 14 minutes ago

My artistic representation for Educational Environments Grad School class at Texas State University

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