Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Robotics I Final Project - Space Supremacy

Today we began the final project in Robotics I.  It is a two on two battle of moving materials into their team's home base. 

Students will build and program for the next four days including today and contest will begin on Tuesday. 
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Space Supremacy.ppt (39 KB)

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Space supremacy.doc (38 KB)

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Space Supremacy

Final project in Robotics I - Space Supremacy.

This contest will be a two on two remote controlled LEGO battle. 

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Electricity House Project

I just helped my stepdaughter and three of her classmates work on their House Electricity Project.  Four girls working to wire a house with circuits: series, parallel, combination.  It also had to include an LED doorbell which works when the button is pushed.  It must be decorated.

It was fun seeing the girls draw our the circuits on paper and then replicate it with the holiday lights, wire, switches and soldering.  They spent more time deciding on the decorations for the house though.  This is a project that could have been cross disciplinary for sure.  Each student has to produce a Power point about electricity.  Disciplines involved:  Math to solve the electricity problems, Science to solve the wiring of the circuits, Career Technology to help with the Power point presentation as well as the interior decorating of the house and Art for the displays on the walls. 

I think it is a great project as it stands.  The girls worked hard for about an hour and a half.  They were laughing and carrying on with each other. 

The project sounds very similar to this project:

Please note my new school email address is 

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Monday, May 11, 2009

Is owning content the future in education?

"Is owning content the future in education, or will it be more important
to help people navigate through it and filter it to find useful learning
that pertains to their needs and desires?" Quote from
Interesting perspective for educators to consider. Seeking out
education requires mentors to be present. Where do find out mentors? In the past, this required a one on one in person relationship but
today, we can reach out and find mentors through our computers and our
networks. Educators need to embrace this ideology and move forward with it. We
need to step up and be willing to move education in the right direction.
 Our students already utilize this method of learning, in fact, I would
say that most of them utilize this method constantly throughout their
daily actions. The connectedness of our youth requires us to change and
move along with them.
 Please note my new school email address is
ATTENTION: Eanes ISD is moving toward an email system that will use a
"first initial, FULL last name" username scheme incorporated into all
EISD email addresses ending in “” Please follow the link below in order to definitively search for and
obtain an Eanes ISD staff member’s email address.

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Educational Reform in Science and Engineering

Professor Woody Flowers from MIT, speaks on Educational Reform at Olin College of Engineering ("> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></object>
Education is not training but learning with as opposed to learning about. 
Please note my new school email address is 

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Artistic Representation of my life.

Artistic Representation of my life.
From: coachnorm, 14 minutes ago

My artistic representation for Educational Environments Grad School class at Texas State University

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