Saturday, June 4, 2011

Authentic Engineering Drawings | John Heffernan

Authentic Engineering Drawings

At the Tufts Lego Engineering Symposium, we were assigned the task of making a drawing of a device that could hover in a vertical wind tunnel powered by a fan.  After time ran out, we were told that the we should pass the drawing and our device to another team to implement the modifications.  While drawing, there was not a strong motivation to make a good drawing.  Of course, if we knew that it would be used, there would have been a strong motivation.

Why do we have students do activities? Are we always clear in our expectations?

Jeff Heffernan discusses an activity he experienced at Tufts LEGO Engineering Symposium.

He has proposed an authentic drawing diagram to create authentic drawings. Drawings should be for external audiences and express high complexity.

Posted via email from Reflexions

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Boy Delivers Motivational Speech After Learning to Ride His Bike

Boy Delivers Motivational Speech After Learning to Ride His Bike

Filed under: Amazing Kids, Funny Stuff

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We adore this little boy, who gives hope to any kid who has ever failed at riding a bike with an inspirational speech to rival the best rhetoric out there. A recently accomplished rider himself, he reminds his peers with training wheels to believe in themselves and to keep practicing.

We can't wait to buy a T-shirt that reads, "Thumbs up to rock and roll!"

Very simple message - Everybody can do it.

Great video and such extreme and genuine excitement.

Thumbs up for sure!!!!

Posted via email from Reflexions

Artistic Representation of my life.

Artistic Representation of my life.
From: coachnorm, 14 minutes ago

My artistic representation for Educational Environments Grad School class at Texas State University

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