Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Total Recall - Day 10

Week two began with a smaller group of the team meeting.  It was rather disappointing to see the turnout we had at the meeting, but the meeting was successful none the less. 

We began the process with where are we and what do we need to get done.  Sean and David reported on the progress of the robot design so far starting with an update on the progress from Saturday.  Designs of the robot were written down and discussed for each individual system.  We have chosen to focus on one game specifically.  This simplifies our strategy as well as our robot.  The robot will include two majors systems on the robot.  Demonstrations of these systems were given to the class with cardboard and/or paper prototypes. Questions revolved around specific details which clarified the design and its purpose.  
System one was decided to be multi functional.  This system will model a previous apparatus we have implemented in the past.  This system will be utilized in controlling the MRT, manipulating game pieces as well as Data Port communications. 
System two will be a utilized to control games pieces from the GST.  This system will undergo some refinement from the cardboard prototype.  These refinements will include location on the robot, release mechanism, elevation from the floor and material consideration.  
David presented team structure to the team on the Whiteboard.  Team leads and sub team leads were identified. Team members also identified what teams they wanted to work on.  After this presentation, Sean gave the group some tasks that needed to be completed by each team.  CAD of the robot systems is high on the priority at this time.  Some of the parts of the robot can go forward at this time.  Game field production can also begin on Tuesday.  

Posted via email from Reflexions

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Artistic Representation of my life.

Artistic Representation of my life.
From: coachnorm, 14 minutes ago

My artistic representation for Educational Environments Grad School class at Texas State University

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