Saturday, May 14, 2011

Tinkering School: learning through doing |

The video below is from Gever Tulley’s presentation at Big Ideas Fest 2009.

Although the movie is a little slow in explaining the educational concepts, there is some real gems in there that apply to all forms of education.

“The best engagement we got was when they were forced to deviate from the materials list.”

Essentially Tulley found that the kids were more engaged and active when they didn’t know the outcome of a project. He articulates it like this:

The opportunities for engaged learning are inversely proportional to the knowability of the outcome

Another point he makes is about the experience of education:

Create a meaningful experience and the learning will follow.
“Our best outcomes were from projects where we focused on the quality of the experience first… and looked for learning inside those experiences.”

Personally, I love this engaging and lively approach to education. Some parents have even started a blog on their experiences of allowing their kids to do the fifty dangerous things in Tulley’s book! Maybe we all need to be a little bit more dangerous in our learning…

Engaged learning
Meaningful experience
Both of these are outcomes all educators want in their classrooms and parents should expect.

We need to provide these opportunities to all children of all ages. I believe each of us, no matter the age want these as well but many times we get lost in the everyday life and do not pursue this.

Thank you Gever Tulley for your Tinkering School model.

Posted via email from Reflexions

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Artistic Representation of my life.

Artistic Representation of my life.
From: coachnorm, 14 minutes ago

My artistic representation for Educational Environments Grad School class at Texas State University

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