First Lego League Competition
by KVUE News
Posted on November 13, 2010 at 4:56 PM
Updated yesterday at 6:15 PM
It's decision day for many Central Texas students. They have spent months designing and programing robots to make precision movements. This weekend marks the annual First Lego League qualifying competition. It will determine which teams will move forward to the next round. The goal is to get students excited about science, technology, engineering and math.
"We have engineers and mentors that come in and work with the kids after school. so they get to work personal with an engineer in the fields that maybe they're interesting in pursing as a career in the future," said robotics teacher Norman Morgan.
Students ages 9 to 14 are able to take part in this program. In addition to building the Lego robot, they are also required to complete a research project. This year the topic was biomedical engineering.
Westlake High School hosted a Central Texas FLL qualifier on Saturday, November 13 for 31 area teams. Our tournament was the largest FLL qualifier in the area.
We had a great group of judges and referees for the tournament. Team 2468 parents and team members volunteered in a variety of locations and positions. Our FTC team set up their course and demonstrated "Get Over It".
Team 2468 had our "Breakaway" robot as well. Teams were amazed to watch the mecanum wheels work on the robot.
All in all it was a great day for the team.
KVUE News was there as seen above.
TeamX from Hill Country Middle school took the top of the tournament for the day. They also had the highest score of the day at the tournament.
We will be hosting the Central Texas FLL Championships on January 15th at Westlake High School.